How to Grow Sodium Chloride Crystals at Home

Is there anything more beautiful than crystals? Unique and fascinating, crystals are naturally forming stones that typically contain atoms and molecules that are arranged in a pattern that repeats itself. This means that crystals will always appear in a geometrical shape.

how to make salt crystals at home

For example, try using different salts – repeat the experiment with sea salt, un-iodized salt, Epsom salt, borax salt, and iodized salt. Check the different shapes of crystals formed. Now gently pour the saltwater onto different plates.

Salt and Baking Soda Mix

It’s best to add the coloring just before suspending the seed crystals into solution A. Slower growth also reduces the jaggedness at the tips of the crystals. But as far as I know, there is no way to prevent them entirely. It seems like it’s a characteristic of Epsom salt crystals.

how to make salt crystals at home

If salt crystals won't grow, try refrigerating the salt water. Another "trick" is adding a few grains of salt to the liquid too get the action started. But, if these grains immediately dissolve, the solution just is not saturated.

Here’s even more science experiment ideas:

Use the dropper to “blow away” the parasitic crystals that are threatening to stick to your nice crystals. This method works better than using tweezers, because tweezers will scratch those crystals. The level of the fluid should be high enough that it shouldn’t threaten to expose the surface of the growing crystal. Also, how does humidity affect the crystal growth? I thought that lesser the humidity, better the crystal growth. But I’m assuming that’s not the case after reading this post.

how to make salt crystals at home

Make sure it is someplace where the container won't be moved or disturbed too often. The crystals you can see in the photo below on the popsicle stick were a bit of a happy accident. We were trying to grow salt crystals on a pipe cleaner , but after a week or so nothing had grown. The salt crystal layer was thickened, and we could see salt crystals evidently on top of the paper and floating later on top of the saturated solution. The paper is still wet buried in the saturated salt solution. We started seeing a layer of salt crystal that formed on the top of the solution.

Salt, Clay, and Borax Mix

This is good news, because it creates the ideal conditions for growing big, transparent crystals. It’s no big deal, but if you want to prevent this, store the pyramid salt crystals with a desiccant. Maldon Sea Salt, for instance, contains crunchy pyramidal salt crystals. They are made by evaporating sea water in large heated pans, mimicking nature. Don’t wait for the solution to completely dry before adding new solution. Make sure the level of the solution is always high enough to cover the crystals, otherwise they will become white and flaky.

how to make salt crystals at home

It seems like very little, but the difference in growth rate is big. You don’t want to go beyond that, or needles will form instead of nice single crystals. If you’re looking for a cool hobby, or something fun to do with your kids, I highly recommend giving it a try. The crystals that you grow might dissolve in water, but the memories you make will last a lifetime. Epsom salt crystals have water trapped inside their crystal structure.

Interesting sodium chloride crystals

Pour the table salt into the glass jar while you stir constantly. Add the salt slowly to allow sufficient time for it to dissolve into the water. You will add approximately the same amount of salt as water in the jar in order to saturate the solution. For example, if you boiled two cups of water you will add two cups of salt. You can adjust the amount of salt, if necessary.

how to make salt crystals at home

Either the weather was too hot or it was exposed to air movement . Try again by placing it in a more sheltered area. I’m using a petri dish, but any non-metal container will do. "It is very helpful. I've just made a necklace with my crystals." You can also try coating the surface with a layer of nail polish to protect it. Adjust the shapes on the tray so they're not touching - they'll stick together if they dry out while touching.

Growing Crystal Needles

Crystals made from plain table salt were the least successful for us. Apparently the iodine in table salt can prevent the crystals from growing properly. Here are some important terms that you need to know before understanding the science behind salt crystals. Now we need to place the plates in sunlight. The entire process of salt crystal formation will take about 3 to 4 days, depending upon the room temperature and availability of sunlight. Since we targeted to create crystals to make Christmas ornaments – we made a Christmas tree, star, and snowman.

If you reach into the water without gloves on, you can stain your hands due to the alum and food coloring. It’s important that the glue is completely dry before you grow the crystals. You can check to see if the glue is dry by touching the inside of each egg with your fingertip to see if the alum feels moist. Epsom salt is another name for the chemical magnesium sulfate. The temperature of the water determines how much magnesium sulfate it can hold; it will dissolve more when it is hotter. After you have finished doing this, go ahead and filter the solution using your coffee filter or funnel before then leaving the solution to cool down.

Our goal is to control this process – to make the crystals that grow as beautiful as possible. Experiment with different types of table salt. Try iodized salt, un-iodized salt, sea salt, or even salt substitutes.

An adult starts this experiment by boiling water on the stove in a saucepan. Stir table salt into the water until no more will dissolve . Children can watch from a safe distance to see the dissolving process. Let the crystals grow for 1-2 days before removing them from the jar. Place the jar in a place that is out of the way so the crystals can grow undisturbed for at least 24 hours.


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